
Our work would not be possible without the precious help of our privileged partners and of the representative institutions of the legal professions.





The French Embassy in Cambodia is an important historical partner for the Association through support to national and international Institutions in Cambodia, as well as financial support since its inception. The French Embassy is also an important technical support by the provision of its experts.




The Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), has a French law branch which is a historical partner of Henri Capitant Cambodia Association. It is from this university that the idea to set up this association in Cambodia was born.The first members to have joined the Association were students in law from the RULE.

In addition, the Research Center of law (CREAD) with a team of law students actively participate in the development of Legicambodia. Finally, the RULE kindly offers to Henri Capitant Association classrooms for organizing seminars, conferences or training sessions.



N-Strat is a firm specialized in legal research and institutional advice. The firm is based in the center of Phnom Penh and provides to Henri Capitant Cambodia Association material resources (offices, computer equipment, phone, etc …) and administrative staff. N-Strat is a key partner of the Association for the proper conduct of its missions.


When Henri Capitant Cambodia was created, DFDL has financially supported the Association and is still now a strong support Moreover, because of its technical expertise, DFDL is a key partner of the Association on multiple fields of the law.




Nokor is a software development company specialized in information systems for companies, Nokor Group has an expertise gained through various experiences in commercial, banking, financial, legal insurance and health.

Nokor Group and the Association have an agreement to develop the first base of Cambodia collaborative legal data for public access on the model of Légifrance.



Since 2016, the Association Henri Capitant Cambodia has been providing a legal support to Eurocham Cambodia, the European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia, regarding missions involving Business Law and investment.

In the name of Henri Capitant Cambodia we would like to thank you, again, for your support.