Scientific Council

                                      The Scientific Council of the Association Henri Capitant Cambodge aims at advising the Executive Board regarding all the association’s activities.

In alphabetical order:

Professor FULCHIRON Hugues

Professor at the Jean Moulin University (Lyon 3, France)

Honorary President at the Jean Moulin University   (Lyon 3, France)

Professor GAILLARD Maurice

Professor at the Lumières University (Lyon 2, France)

Honorary Director of the French Cooperation Mission at the Law Faculty of the Royal University of Law and Economy (RULE)

Mr. Professor GHOZI Alain

Professor at the University Panthéon- Assas (Paris 2)

Professor GRIMALDI Michel

Professor at the Panthéon-Assas University (Paris 2, France)

Honorary President of the Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française

His Excellency Doctor HANG CHUON Naron

Minister of the Education, the Youth and the Sports

His Excellency M. KOEUT Rith

Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice

Her Excellency Mrs. KIM Sathavy

Judge at the Cambodian Supreme Court

Professor MAZEAUD Denis

Professor at the Panthéon-Assas University (Paris 2, France)

President of the Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française

Professor MOUSAR Hisham

Professor at the Royal University of Law and Economy (RULE)

Honorary Director of the French Cooperation Mission at the Faculty of Law  of the Royal University of Law and Economy (RULE)

Doctor NAVARRO Jean-Louis

Lecturer at the Lumières University (Lyon 2, France)

Professor NEGRIN Olivier

Professor at the Aix-Marseille University  (France)

Vice-dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences (Aix-Marseille University, France)

His Excellency M.NUON Pharat

Member of the Jurists Council

His Excellency Doctor SOK Siphana

Consellor of the Royal Government of Cambodia

His Excellency Doctor THENG Chan Sangvar

Professor at the Royal University of Law and Economy (RULE)

Assistant-Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Rural Development

Docteur TOMKIEWICZ Vincent

Lecturer at the Vincennes Saint-Denis University (Paris 8, France)