Tag Archives: henri capitant

Book : “Intellectual Property Law : Copyrights, trademarks and patents”, by Kan Sothpolin – August 2014

The Association Henri Capitant Cambodia is delighted to present the new book of its secretary general, Kan Sothpolin, professor specialised in Intellectual Property Law at the Royal University of Law and Economics, entitled Intellectual Property Law : Copyrights, trademarks and patents.

Travaux : Participation au groupe de travail dédié au “Guide Juridique de l’Agriculture Contractuelle” par Unidroit et la FAO – 26 Septembre 2014

The Association of Henri Capitant Cambodia has been invited to the Consultation Workshop on the Unidroit/FAO Legal Guide on Contract Farming (Bangkok, 26 September 2014) to participate on discussions on the Legal Dimension of Contract Farming and specifically to present the Overview of the Legal Framework of Contract Farming in Cambodia.
Several experts from the ASEAN countries were present at the workshop in order to share their experiences, recommendations, and best practices: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Evènement : Lancement officiel de l’Association Henri Capitant Cambodge – 22 Avril 2014

La cérémonie du lancement officiel de notre Association s’est tenue à la Résidence de France (Ambassade de France au Cambodge) en présence de Monsieur le Professeur Denis Mazeaud, Président de l’Association Henri Capitant France, le mardi 22 avril 2012 à 18h30.