Get to know the members of the association Henri Capitant – Meeting with Julia Berkowicz

Meeting with Julia Berkowicz

Chargé of Institutional Development at the association Henri Capitant

  • Can you quickly introduce yourself? (academic and professional career, nationality, profession, areas of expertise)

I am French. I received my Professional lawyer degree from the Bar Training School of Paris in 2015. I also hold a Master in Environmental Law from the University of Versailles-Saint Quentin, which allowed me to gain an expertise in environmental, energy and sustainable development law

  • What are the areas of law in Cambodia that need to be reformed or developed?

Environmental law that interferes directly with people’s health, quality of life and well-being. The enhancement of environmental protection, including marine biodiversity and Cambodian forests, is also needed. The establishment of a legal framework to promote renewable energy sources is essential to make Cambodia energetically independent.

  • What role do you play with the Henri Capitant Association?

I am responsible of the association Henri Capitant’s institutional development since March 2016. I am in charge of strengthening and developing relations with partners and members. In addition, I provide legal expertise to projects, such as contract farming, a subject to which I am particularly sensitive. I invite you to look at Henri Capitant’s website to find out more information about this very interesting legal issue where contract law, civil law, commercial law and agricultural law are interfering.

  • Can you give us one word that best described you?

ENTHUSIASTIC! This word defines me both professionally and personally.

  • Why did you choose to come and work in Phnom Penh?

The association Henri Capitant is well known in France. The prospect of integrating one of its offices in a developing country as beautiful as Cambodia was a great professional and personal opportunity.

  • What do you like to do after working hours and when you go outside of Phnom Penh?

I like the night time in Phnom Penh when the temperature drops and the city calms down. It is the moment I prefer to go out for a drink on a terrace, run along riverside or refresh myself in one of the many pools of Phnom Penh. Outside the city, I like to go to Kampot to swim in the river and enjoy the silence (very rare in Phnom Penh!) I also like to get away to Kep and go eat crab pepper that I love.

  • Can you tell us one thing that nobody knows?

For my 25th birthday, I climbed the Machu Pichu in Peru at 4 am with a headlamp, being one of the first people to reach the top and to watch a beautiful sunrise in a breathtaking place!