Category Archives: Events

Cambodia face to face with the Challenges of Global Air Law

What is it exactly?

While aeronautical technology has grown considerably over the past century, the issue of airspace protection remains the focus of attention in contemporary air law and, in the face of globalization and intensification of air traffic, The stakes of state sovereignty over its airspace and the freedoms of air transportation, which is a leading economic activity today.

Criminal justice in Cambodia

Following several seminar sessions in the framework of continuing training for professionals, in particular to the address of Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers in December 2014 in partnership with the Paris Bar, on “Criminal Law and Ethics of Lawyers”, and then addressed to parliamentarians on “the Causes and Difficulties of Application of the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure” held the 6th and 7th of April 2015 at the Senate with the particular intervention of the french Magistrate Mr. François-Louis Coste, the Association Henri Capitant Cambodia (HCC) continues its action, year after year, for a better performance of the Criminal Law in Cambodia.